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Oliven- und Palmenfarm 007
Oliven- und Palmenfarm 007


The Ocean Diva 007

Vorheriges Bild:

Nächstes Bild:
Beschreibung: Don't miss the chance to join us on The Ocean Diva, our beautiful 62 feet catamaran, for the following trips:

Daily Cruise
A 3-hour trip, either from 8.30 am till 11.30 pm or from 1.30 pm till 4.30 pm. We will sail in front of
El Gouna and we will anchor at one of the nearby reefs for swimming and snorkeling.

The crew of the Ocean Diva exists of 1 captain, 1 stewardess and 2 deckhands.

The 3-hour trip includes the following:
Cola, Cola light, Sprite, Mirinda orange, soda, mineral water, Coffee/tea
Snorkeling equipment & Towel use

(Alcoholic beverages available at extra cost)

Sunset Cruise
The departure is one hour before sunset. We will sail in front of El Gouna, with the possibility to anchor at one of the nearby reefs.

The crew of the Ocean Diva exists of 1 captain, 1 stewardess and 2 deckhands.

The 2 hours cruise includes the following:
Cola, Cola light, Sprite, Mirinda orange, soda, mineral water, Local beer (Sakara Gold)
- Local wine (Sharazade) white, red, rosé
- One glass per person of local champagne (Aida)
- Canapés

Prices for all trips are 55 Euro each per person per trip.

Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Datum: 25.08.2010 01:28

The Ocean Diva 007



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