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Italien Compound 2174
Italien Compound 2174


The Butchery


Located in Down Town, behind Ebeid Supermarket & near to The White Elephant Thai Restaurant and Benzini Juice Bar.
The Butchery has both Local and Imported meats including Beef, Veal, Lamb, Pork and Chicken. BBQ & Freezer packs are available.

The butchery is expanding their assortment with precooked
dishes such as Beef Bourguignon and a selection of meat pies.

New opening times in February: Tuesday to Sunday from 12-6

Ort: Downtown El Gouna behind Benzini
Parken: Straße / Parkplatz
Telefon: El Gouna Ext 38060

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The Butchery Recepte Card's (13)

The Butchery 018
The Butchery 018 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 017
The Butchery 017 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 015
The Butchery 015 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 014
The Butchery 014 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 013
The Butchery 013 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 012
The Butchery 012 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 011
The Butchery 011 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 010
The Butchery 010 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 009
The Butchery 009 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 008
The Butchery 008 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 007
The Butchery 007 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 005
The Butchery 005 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 004
The Butchery 004 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 003
The Butchery 003 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

The Butchery 002
The Butchery 002 (Mr.Ralf)
The Butchery

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